Therapists of New York and New Jersey

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Tips for Stress Management

Are you looking for help to manage your stress? Below are steps you can take to feel more calm and in control.

First, try to find out what is causing the stress in your life. A good way to do this is to track it. Get a notebook and write down when something makes you feel stressed. Alongside the stressful event, write down a number from 1-10 (1 being least stressful and 10 being most stressful). This practice will help you to identify the areas of your life that are causing the most distress.

Once you have an idea about what is stressing you out, you can start to implement techniques to reduce the stress. You may not be able to eliminate stress completely, but below are some suggestions to help you lower your stress levels and make your life more enjoyable: 

Prioritize Your Responsibilities - Start Small
Having too many “to-dos” can be stressful, work on quickly knocking out small tasks to clear up your mind to focus on larger responsibilities. 

Develop good problem-solving skills
When faced with a stressful problem, try to clearly define what about the issue issue is causing a problem for you. Then generate a list of various ways the problem could be managed. Evaluate each potential solution and then make a decision. 

Take good care of yourself 
Get plenty of rest! Find and/or make time in each and every day for some self-care. It can be as small as scheduling a 5 minute mindfulness meditation, just any activity where *you* are the priority. 

Keep things in perspective
In the most stressful situations, problems can feel bigger than they are. Take a step back and ask yourself…will this matter in a week? In a year? 

Talk to someone 
Whether to friends or family, opening up about your stress can help! Getting additional perspectives can help you gain insights to your stressful situations. There is evidence that those who have a strong support network manage stress better. 

All jokes aside…when you are stressed your body tends to tense up. Laughing has been shown to relieve physical tension and relax muscles for up to 45 minutes. Laughing also produces a general sense of well-being which can diffuse the stress you were feeling. 

If these tips aren’t reducing your stress enough or you are finding yourself completely overwhelmed, it may be time to seek additional help. Here at Therapists of New York we have psychologists trained in helping individuals manage and understand their stress levels. Click here to book a consultation.