5 Tips to Stay Mindful
Let’s face it, we are all feeling stressed right now. We are living in a time with many unknowns, inequalities, and mixed information. Future planning seems like a luxury from years past. At Therapists of New York, we are helping our patients (and ourselves) by enhancing strategies to reduce stress and improve focus and awareness. We asked our mindfulness expert, Dr. Rachel Diamond to help us with some quick tips on how to bring more mindfulness into our everyday lives. This is what she recommended.
1. Pause and check in with yourself
Take a moment to attend to what is happening for you right now. What are you feeling (happy, sad, joyful, etc.)? What are you physically experiencing, any sensations you notice (tightness, pulsing, throbbing, etc.)? What thoughts are around (what are the things you are saying to yourself)?
2. Notice the things you are telling yourself
Take a step back. Be curious. See if you can distinguish what you know to be true in this moment vs. the stories that you are telling yourself. What can you change in this moment, and what can you not? By doing so, you can choose how you would like to respond to the stressful situation rather than automatically react to it.
3. Decide what you need in this moment
Perhaps you need to step away from what you are doing, even if it is just for 5 minutes. Take a walk, drink some water, or stretch – whatever it is, attend to it! It is an invitation to care for yourself – you deserve it. A little can go a long way.
4. Take a breath!
Taking a moment for a deliberate, slow, deep breath can trigger a relaxation response that slows it all down. By focusing on the breath (even just for one cycle) you can help bring yourself back to the present moment experience rather than stay consumed with worried, wondering thoughts. See if you can take note of your inhale and of your exhale. It’s a way to simply be with your breath, not trying to change or control it, but just being (present) with it.
5. Notice what else is happening around you
Expand your field of awareness to all the things around you. What do you smell…see…hear…etc. Sometimes when we become so consumed with our thoughts in the moment, we don’t even notice what is happening around us. As the saying goes - stop and smell the roses! You may be surprised as to what you discover.
Feel free to do these steps in order, or pick and choose one at a time. Choose your own mindful adventure!
If you are interested in learning how to be more mindful, contact us here to get more info about Dr. Diamond’s weekly mindfulness group.